The brief of this project was to design an independent magazine focusing on a specific area of visual culture. I designed multiple inside spreads for the first edition, as well as a cover series for future editions. I also wrote and designed a pitch document to go alongside my magazine to help advertise it.
'Dollyshot' stemmed from my love for film, TV and social commentary. It is a magazine which combines the three, with each edition focusing on a different social issue. This edition focuses on class and wealth, with the entire magazine being in grayscale and green. I really wanted to go 'all out' with this magazine, experimenting with type and telling an article's narrative through this.

This project helped me to reach outside my comfort zone and create something 'chaotic' yet in theme and typographically readable. I started out by really pushing typographic rules by distorting type and images, and gradually streamlined the work into something unique as well as accessible. It showed me how I can cater my work to a variety of audiences and genres, and still be able to keep my Faith 'flair'.